L'Escala, anchovies with a Mediterranean touch


Today we will talk about one of our most popular Gourmet products: anchovies. More precisely, we will talk about anchovies de L'Escala. It receives the name of the town where its factory is located, at the Costa Brava.


L'Escala is one of the Catalan towns known for its long seafaring tradition. In addition, we are talking about a village opened to tourism without forgetting its origins.

For centuries, already from the arrival of the Greeks and the Phoenicians in the area, this population was linked to the production of anchovies and is a reference for this product. Oily fish is a key ingredient of the Mediterranean diet and is well known for its health benefits. That is why olive oil from the best Spanish olive groves is added to the anchovies, we have a truly healthy combo highly recommended to maintain a balanced diet rich in Omega 3.

Anchoas de l'Escala: Anchovies in organic extra virgin olive oil


The small workshop with which they began to produce their highest quality products is over 75 years old. The women of La Escala began to be in charge of searing the anchovies, seasoning them, placing them in the drums and fileting and packaging them as if it were a work of craftsmanship. A work that has been transferred from one generation to another and has given life to the region.


Another of the fundamental figures is the anchovy masters, since it is essential to guarantee the parameters of excellence, texture and flavor that define its brand.He will be in charge of supervising the process through which the anchovies will mature naturally from 6 months and up to 2 years, and he will be defining the optimal point for their fileting.


Today, Anchoas de L'Escala has the same dedication using the latest technology in order to respond to the incredible demand generated in the market. These new facilities comply with all health standards and have rooms for handling, processing and packaging the product, as well as different cold rooms that help preserve fish in optimal conditions.


In short, a product with a differential since they use only one species, Engraulis encrasicolus, approved by all European nutritional safety controls and is also certified by the CCPAE.


What are you waiting for to try? Don’t miss the opportunity. As always, you can find it here, in our online gourmet products store.

Posted in: Tasteful Villages

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