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  • Cecina, the great treasure of León
    Cecina, the great treasure of León
    Liked / 2896 Views / 10/08/2024

    Cecina de León is an ancestral delicacy of Spanish gastronomy, a traditional Spanish sausage that stands out for its smoky flavour and its slow and meticulous curing process. Keep on reading to discover everything about its origin and characteristics!

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  • Where to buy business gifts and hampers for Christmas?
    Where to buy business gifts and hampers for Christmas?
    Liked / 1253 Views / 09/12/2024

    In this blog, we will tell you where and why to buy the perfect corporate Christmas gift packs. We will help you to find the best business Christmas gift with the best products and services.

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  • Valsotillo Wine, the heart of the Ribera del Duero Designation of Origin
    Valsotillo Wine, the heart of the Ribera del Duero Designation of Origin
    Liked / 2688 Views / 09/06/2024

    In today's post we focus on the ValSotillo wine, a representative relic of the Ribera del Duero Designation of Origin. Read on to discover the history behind these high quality wines such as the ValSotillo reds. 

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  • Los Peperetes, the jewel of the canned fish and seafood from the Rías Gallegas
    Los Peperetes, the jewel of the canned fish and seafood from the Rías Gallegas
    Liked / 1545 Views / 08/27/2024

    Los Peperetes is a family business whose gourmet preserves are characterised by their high quality fish and seafood from local producers in the Galician Rias of Arousa and Noia.

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  • Cranberries, a must-have food in your pantry
    Cranberries, a must-have food in your pantry
    Liked / 1918 Views / 07/18/2024

    In this blog we are going to learn about the many benefits of organic cranberries, which make them a perfect choice for any balanced diet. Read on to discover why they are a must-have in your pantry.

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  • Joselito, ¿el mejor jamón del mundo?
    Joselito, ¿el mejor jamón del mundo?
    Liked / 2891 Views / 07/02/2024

    Hoy hablaremos de un jamón iberico que se autoproclama como el mejor como “El Mejor Jamón Iberico del Mundo”. Diferentes chefs, como Ferran Adrià lo consideran una fuente de inspiración. La empresa de José Gómez ha destacado a lo largo de los años por la calidad y el cuidado de los detalles. Hablamos de una marca plenamente establecida como Joselito. Pero, ¿qué es lo que hace estos jamones tan populares?

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  • Amazing recipes to include Iberian ham
    Amazing recipes to include Iberian ham
    Liked / 4320 Views / 06/20/2024

    A good Iberian ham can be enjoyed alone or with bread in any of its varieties. Some days we feel more inspired and we want to give things a twist. That's why today we bring you a few fresh and light suggestions combining Iberian ham and different fruits.

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  • Olis Solé, 195 years in the Olive Oil Culture
    Olis Solé, 195 years in the Olive Oil Culture
    Liked / 2116 Views / 06/03/2024

    Olis Solé, a family whose history is deeply connected to the production of Extra Virgin olive oils. It has a wide range of gourmet products, including Mas Tarrés that respect Organic Agriculture and will transform your snacking.   Today we talk about a family company with 195 years of tradition: Olis Solé.

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  • How many varieties of paella exist?
    How many varieties of paella exist?
    Liked / 2832 Views / 05/14/2024

    Today we are talking about another dish, known worldwide: paella. And, together with the tortilla, this dish of Valencian origin is one of the best known of our cuisine. You will have tried it in its many varieties, but today we bring you the best known.

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  • Jaén, the source of the green gold
    Jaén, the source of the green gold
    Liked / 2283 Views / 04/16/2024

    Today we will talk about the province of Jaén. You will discover that it may surprise you as one of the perfect places for inland tourism. Within its province you can enjoy natural landscapes, Humane Heritage cities, great cuisine and also history. It is characterized by having a varied geography between Sierra Morena and the Baetic System, inhabited since ancient times by Iberians, Romans, Visigoths, Muslims and Christians. Located in the eastern part of Andalusia, it is the place where the...

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  • Does vacuum-packaging takes away quality from my ibérico ham?
    Does vacuum-packaging takes away quality from my ibérico ham?
    Liked / 3018 Views / 03/04/2024

    Today, we explain how we vacuum-pack our products so that they retain all their quality until their consumption. First of all, you should know hams have no expiration date bit if it has a preferred consumption date.

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  • What is beef dried meat (Cecina) and how many types are there?
    What is beef dried meat (Cecina) and how many types are there?
    Liked / 4467 Views / 02/09/2024

    Cecina is a type of dehydrated meat similar to ham of a Spanish origin, but made by curing beef, equine and less frequently goat meat, and even rabbit, donkey, ox or hare meat. In Spain, there are two Protected Geographical Indications of this product: Cecina de León, extracted from the cow and cecina from Vegacervera, extracted from the goat (baby goat). Today we will focus on the cecina de León for being the most popular.

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  • The 100% Pata Negra Iberian ham and its Designations of Origin
    The 100% Pata Negra Iberian ham and its Designations of Origin
    Liked / 5062 Views / 02/06/2024

    As you know, for a ham to be labelled with a Denomination of Origin it must meet a series of requirements established by law, such as: the ham must come from a pig with at least 50% of Iberian breed, the feeding must be limited to feeds, feeds and grasses, or acorns; A strict quartering process must be followed in accordance with safety and hygiene standards, and in addition, both rearing and processing must be limited to a specific area or origin.

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  • Should we consume acorns?
    Should we consume acorns?
    Liked / 2891 Views / 01/09/2024

    The acorn (in Arabic ballūta, holm oak) is a characteristic fruit of the Quercus trees, among which are the holm or the cork oaks, and, in addition, it is a common product in extremadura pastures.

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  • How to slice a shoulder
    How to slice a shoulder
    Liked / 5094 Views / 11/04/2023

    Don't you want to buy a shoulder because you're not sure about how to slice it? Don’t worry, we understand your questions. And, although it may seem that its cut is made similar to that of ham, when we are ready to slice a shoulder, we will find very different characteristics. This will make the task even more complicated, since remember that in itself, cutting ham is an art that not everyone dominates. Nothing happens, we are more than happy to explain how.

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  • Parts of the Iberian ham
    Parts of the Iberian ham
    Liked / 3179 Views / 10/03/2023

    If you are not a ham expert, you may not know where the sirloin comes from or what is its difference with an entrecôte. When we refer to animal anatomy, we must be aware of the different terms in order to know what we are eating. It happens the same with iberian hams. It has different parts with its different specific characteristics. Did you know? Do you want to know more about them? We tell you more about them:

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  • The pasture, the home of the Iberian pig
    The pasture, the home of the Iberian pig
    Liked / 2216 Views / 09/20/2023

    We call pasture to the forest in which the holms, oaks, corks, and gall oak coexist. This habitat exists mainly in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, and extends over an area of over 2 million hectares, of which almost half are located in Extremadura. It consists on a specific flora associated with these tree species, and some peculiarities of the land that make it an ideal place for the breeding of the Iberian pig.

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  • Guijuelo, the Iberian Gold Rush
    Guijuelo, the Iberian Gold Rush
    Liked / 3824 Views / 08/27/2023

    Today we are talking about Guijuelo. It is located in an area between Alba de Tormes and Sierra de Béjar, in the province of Salamanca. There are not many traditional buildings left due to the strong expansion that the municipality has suffered throughout its history. We highlight its Plaza Mayor and its Plaza de Julián Coca, or also known as The Plaza de los Pigs because there is where the animal markets were done. If you go there, you can also visit the Ermita de la Virgen de Valparaíso...

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  • How to pair the chorizo, sausage or loin correctly?
    How to pair the chorizo, sausage or loin correctly?
    Liked / 2616 Views / 08/17/2023

    We have already talked about how to pair the Iberian ham, and there are certain drinks that will help extol all the nuances of flavor that this delicacy may offer us. Well, today it's the turn for the rest of sausages. If you want to know how to properly combine chorizo, sausage or loin, read on. Let’s start!

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  • Which is the most famous Spanish ham in the United Kingdom, the Serrano or the Ibérico?
    Which is the most famous Spanish ham in the United Kingdom, the Serrano or the Ibérico?
    Liked / 2657 Views / 08/11/2023

    Our delicatessen products are of great interest in the UK. If we talk about data, we can confirm that it is a priority market for the Iberian ham sector, closely followed by the French and German. They represent 50% of exports of meat derivatives from Spain.

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Showing 1 to 20 of 137 (7 Pages)

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