Buy extra virgin olive oils Oro de Bailén, that can be purchased individually or in boxes. These oils are made in the Jaén area, in the town of Villanueva de la Reina. These Extra Virgin Olive Oils are made on the farms of the oil mill, which are “los juncales” and “la casa del agua”. The Oro de Bailén EVOO are made with Picual, Hojiblanca and Arbequina olives. The production methods of these olive oils are respectful with the environment thanks to the irrigation system implemented in the farms where the oils are produced and the exploitation system based on the reuse of different resources. The process of harvesting the olives with which the Oro de Bailén EVOOs are made is carried out in a semi-manual way, combining manual and mechanical methods using the manual and mechanical shaking technique. To know more about Oro de Bailén extra virgin olive oils.

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