Oro de Bailén Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of the best olive oils produced in Spain. These olive oils are from Jaén. The climate, the altitude above sea level and the Mediterranean forests make this oil of the highest quality.

1. History of Oro de Bailén EVOO

The creation of the EVOO Oro de Bailén dates back to 2002. The Gálvez-González family began to see it was necessary to create a new production method of olive oils of the highest quality, and thus also began to understand differently this product.

However, the idea of ​​producing high quality extra virgin olive oil originated in 1999. In this year, the Gálvez-González family acquired “La casa del agua” and “Los juncales”, the two farms where the exploitation of the olive takes place. The project evolves and they become olive oil producers, assuming various phases of the production process. The integration of these phases was done to guarantee the traceability and quality of the product, from the moment the fruit is harvested until the product reaches the consumer. Finally, in 2005 GALGÓN 99 was born, which are packers, producers and marketers of Oro de Bailén EVOO.

The goal of this company has always been to produce the highest quality Extra Virgin Olive Oils. It has always been wanted to spread the word about the multiple benefits that olive oil has and how healthy it is, about the different types of olive oil or to promote its use in a healthy and balanced diet. Olive oil is not conceived only as a product, but as a philosophy of life.

2. Origin of Oro de Bailén Extra Virgin Olive Oils

Oro de Bailén Extra Virgin Olive Oils come from Jaen, more precisely from Villanueva de la Reina. It is located between Bailén and Andújar, between the plateau and the Guadalquivir Valley. It is located 400 meters above sea level, with Mediterranean-type forests and abundant rainfall in spring and autumn. Microclimates are very characteristic of this type of environment. In this area, they are made up of forest, Mediterranean scrub, pine forests and banks.

The climate of the area has a great impact on the production of Oro de Bailén Extra Virgin Olive Oils. It is highly influenced by the structure of the Guadalquivir Valley, which is open to the ocean and allows the entry of clouds creating rainfalls. The times when there is greater rainfall are between October and November and April and May. During the summer, the climate is drier, characteristic of the continental Mediterranean climate. The combination of these factors with the rainfall regime and the measured temperature of the area that oscillates between 16ºC and 18ºC makes the olive oils that are extracted so aromatic.

3. Los Juncales and La Casa del Agua: Oro de Bailén farms

Los Juncales and La Casa del Agua are the two farms where Oro de Bailén EVOO are made. The olive groves of these farms are irrigated, guaranteeing a regular and good quality irrigation of the crops.

Olive groves are considered the real oil factory, this is why special emphasis is made on irrigation and fertilizers, without adding chemicals. Both farms use automated processes using new technologies, such as irrigation by sectors according to the type of terrain, and thus adapt irrigation to the permeability of the terrain. The type of fertilizer used by irrigation is also taken into account. The compost is dissolved in water, so that the plant can absorb its properties more effectively.

The irrigation and the olive grove exploitation systems is respectful with the environment since GALGÓN 99 began its activity. Although ecological agriculture was not practiced, it was aimed at the integrated production of different types of resources. This is made by taking advantage of pruning resources as organic compost. With this, it is possible to reduce erosion, avoid the use of herbicides and increase the permeability of the ground. Different studies of leaf analysis, pest control or the maturity index of the olive are done, to finally obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil.

farm oro de bailen casa del agua los juncales

4. Olive harvest from the EVOO Oro de Bailén

There are several things to take into account when harvesting the olive, so that the result of these Extra Virgin Olive Oils:

  • Early harvesting: Harvesting takes place in a very short period of time, and avoiding long dead times, since the olive ripens very quickly throughout the day.

  • Study of the state of maturity: the olives are harvested according to their state of maturity. The perfect time for harvesting usually takes place between the end of October and the beginning of November. At this time, the olives show certain pigmentation or color changes, both on the outside and on the pulp.

  • Local products: The use of local products makes the final result to have a higher quality. In the case of Oro de Bailén extra virgin olive oils, the olives travel a maximum of 5 kilometers to the mill. This also ensures that the oil extraction is carried out in optimal conditions.

  • Semi-manual harvesting method: This means that the olive harvest combines manual and mechanical methods. The demolition of the olive is carried out with automatic processes to be able to carry out manual and traditional shaking processes more easily. The harvest and loading on the trailers is also done manually.

Harvest Arbequina olives hojiblanca picual oro bailen

5. Elaboration method of extra virgin olive oils Oro de Bailén

The method of making these oils consists of different phases clearly differentiated.

  • Classification: Two hours after the beginning of the day, a first visual inspection is made to verify that the product is in good condition outside and inside of the fruit. Afterwards, it is processed in a cleaning plant to remove branches, leaves and possible impurities. Once classified, they are stored in stainless steel hoppers.

  • Milling and shaking: Once the olives are in the hoppers, they are cold shaken. Temperatures below 21ºC are applied. The mixing time is very short, so that the aroma and flavors of the fruit in the oil remain intact.

  • Physical centrifugation: This process consists of separating the liquid part (oil water and vegetable water) from the solid part of the olive (bone and pulp). This is done because the different parts of the olive have different densities.

  • Vertical and horizontal centrifugation: This consists of separating the oil water from vegetable water. In horizontal centrifugation, a tasting is done to know which oil goes in each tank.

oro bailen bottled EVOO olive oil

6. Extra Virgin Olive Oils hojiblanca, picual and arbequina from Jaén

Oro de Bailén Extra Virgin Olive Oils have been made mainly using the following varieties of olives: Picual, Arbequina and Hojiblanca. These olives have been extracted from the crops and in the Oro de Bailén oil mill.

EVOO Oro de Bailén arbequina

This Extra Virgin Olive Oil is extracted from Arbequina olives. This type of olive is characterized by its intense golden color to the eye with green reflections, with a sweet, enveloping and slightly spicy flavor and on the nose it is fruity and with the aroma of fresh almonds and fruits.

EVOO Oro de Bailén hojiblanca

This EVOO is extracted from olives of the Hojiblanca variety. As for color, it has a very intense golden color. On the nose, it has a powerful and broad aroma, with hints of mid-ripe tomato, green apple and banana. In the mouth, it has a soft and enveloping flavor with hints of lettuce and almonds.

EVOO Oro de Bailén picual

This EVOO is extracted from olives of the picual variety. As for the color, it is intense green to golden with reflections. On the nose, it has a persistent and harmonious aroma, with a medium-high fruity touch with the aroma of freshly cut grass, leaf, fig tree and stem. As for the flavor, it is intense, with bitter and spicy touches in low intensity.

7. Oro de Bailén EVOO awards and recognitions

Oro de Bailén EVOO has obtained numerous awards and recognitions, in Spain and around the world. The recognitions and awards that have been granted since 2006. These recognitions have been granted mainly in Spain, Italy, Germany, although it has also obtained important recognitions in France, United Kingdom, Israel, United States, China, Japan, Portugal, Greece, Canada or Denmark, among many others.

These are the awards and recognitions granted in the 2017/2018 campaign:

    • Third best EVOO of the world.
    • The best picual EVOO of the guide with the maximum score.  
  • ​​Finalist in green fruity category. By the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE. SPAIN.
  • Gold medal to Oro Bailen Arbequina. Obiveja. PORTUGAL. 
  • Gold Medal and Best of Class in “2017 LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL COMPETITION” to Oro Bailen Arbequina and Silver Medal to Oro Bailen Picual. USA .
  • Gold medal for Oro Bailen Arbequina and Gold Medal for Oro Bailen Picual in “ATHENA INTERNATIONAL OLIVE OIL COMPETITION” 2018. GREECE.  
  • Gold medal for Oro Bailen Picual and Oro Bailen Arbequina. NYIOOC. USA.
  • Gold medal to Oro Bailen Picual and Oro Bailen Arbequina. Olive Japan. JAPAN.
  • Gold medal for Oro Bailen Picual and Oro Bailen Arbequina. London IOOC. UK.
    • 94.5 points – 4ª position. Best picual from Spain. Oro Bailen Picual.
    • 90.5 points – The best Arbequina of Spain. Oro Bailen Arbequina.
    • 90.3 points – Casa Del Agua Cosecha Temprana. 
  • Silver Medal to Oro Bailén Picual and Oro Bailén Arbequina. International Oil China Competition Shanghai 2018. CHINA. 
  • Bronze Medal to Oro Bailen Picual in the International competition AVPA París. “Les Huiles du Monde”. FRANCE.
  • Bronze Medal to Oro Bailen Arbequina. Olive D´Or. CANADA.
  • Second Prize “EVOO Quality Prize” to Oro Bailén Arbequina. Terraoleum competition. SPAIN. 
  • Great Mention Diploma to Oro Bailen Picual in the intense fruity category. SOL D’ORO COMPETITION 2018. 24ª edition. ITALY.
  • Great Mention Prize to Oro Bailén Picual in the intense fruity category and Grand Mention Prize to Oro Bailen Arbequina in the medium fruity category. CONCORSO INTERNAZIONALE L´ORCIOLO D´ORO”. ITALY.
  • Great Mention to Oro Bailén Picual. “Leone d´Oro” competition. ITALY.
  • ​"Great Taste Award 2018” - 1 Stars for Oro Bailen Arbequina in the “Britain’s Best Delis Competition”. UNITED KINGDOM 

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oils

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