Amazing recipes to include Iberian ham


A good Iberian ham can be enjoyed alone or with bread in any of its varieties. Some days we feel more inspired and we want to give things a twist. That's why today we bring you a few fresh and light suggestions combining Iberian ham and different fruits.

When we have said ham and fruit, the first thing that has come to mind has been melon with ham. It is the best known but quiet option, we bring you more!

As explained by the experts of Foodpairing, (company dedicated to identify foods and drinks combine well together), the complex aroma of Iberian ham contains notes of pineapple, flowers and fresh grass, which makes it combine with fruits like the conference pear, strawberries and pineapple (among other foods) We leave you with the recipes below.

  • Pears with ham

Pears are a fruit with a high water content which you can easily find in any supermarket anytime of the year. All you need will be one or two pears to cut into quarters and to which you must remove the core, serve them on a plate and place a little ham on top of them, you can also add blue cheese or mint ... It will be irresistible!

  • Figs with ham

This dish is served hot, so it is a perfect starter for the colder months. You will have to clean the figs, cut them in halfs and put them in a pan with a little oil. Wait a minute and, when you see that they have caramelized a little, remove them. Put them on a plate and place a little Iberian acorn ham on top, you'll love them!

  • Watermelon with ham

For this recipe you will need Manchego cheese, watermelon, ham and skewer sticks. The process is very simple: cut the watermelon into dice and stock each piece into the skewer. Afterwards, place into the watermelon stick a slice of Manchego cheese and then a slice of ham and ... Ready to eat!

You should know that beyond fruits, scallops or honey can conform a very surprising couple next to the Iberian ham, but we see those combinations another day ... Now, what recipe are you going to make first?

Posted in: Recipes, Ham

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