How many varieties of paella exist?


Today we are talking about another dish, known worldwide: paella.

And, together with the tortilla, this dish of Valencian origin is one of the best known of our cuisine. You will have tried it in its many varieties, but today we bring you the best known.

Let us forgive the Valencians if we have added anyone in the list that should not be called properly paella, but today, our mission is to inform about the different ways in which we can enjoy this dish in different parts of Spain, so let's start!

  • Valencian Paella: It is the best known and is prepared from a stir-fried garlic, onion, pepper and tomato. Rabbit is added as the fundamental ingredient. To get that master touch in this recipe, the most important thing is the cooking point of the rice, so it is advisable to follow the instructions and quantities, which are usually a glass of rice for each two of water

  • Meat Paella: It is the most prepared version in Spanish houses and is never missing on Sundays. It is a kind of Valencian paella, but adding chicken marinated in pepper and sweet paprika instead of rabbit. You can also add peas.

  • Seafood paella: It is a typical dish of beach areas. It usually has squid, prawns and mussels or clams. The rice will absorb the taste of seafood and turn it into a very juicy dish that may be accompanied with white wine or a cool beer.

  • Mixed Paella: Many will say that this invention should not be called paella, but surely for residents outside Spain this is the best known. You will start cooking the tomato, garlic and onion, to which the meat will be added and then the rice, letting all the ingredients be cooked to finally add the seafood.

  • Black paella or black rice: This dish, which is very typical of Galicia, is characterized by its black color that is achieved thanks to squid ink. This ingredient will give it a strong flavor, which everyone may not like. In terms of content it is similar to that of seafood paella.

  • Vegetable paella: Modern and recent version of the paella designed for new vegetarian audiences. It is made mainly with artichokes, asparagus, mushrooms and some type of pickles such as capers or olives.

  • Lobster paella: It is a version of seafood paella that only supports lobster, which gives it a very special and different flavor. It is a select paella due to the high price of lobster. You are advised not to find surprises in the account.

  • Paella to taste: In fact, the term paella refers to a certain way of cooking rice, where it is loose and dry. And the truth is that rice is a very versatile product that allows combining it with almost anything you can think of. You just have to keep in mind, which will catch the flavor of the added ingredient. In fact, there are already many restaurants that allow the diner to choose which items to throw away from the paella.

Choose the one you prefer, it will be a success, that's for sure!

Posted in: Recipes, Other

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