Legale Ankündigung und Datenschutz


In accordance with the Law 34/2002, of 11th July, of information society’s services and electronic commerce (LSSI), we inform you that the current website is under the ownership of the company 181 Distribucions S.L. with the Spanish tax identification code (CIF) B66154964, Address: Pg. Sant Joan, 181, local. 08037 Barcelona and e-mail:, henceforth “the Company”, and registered in the commercial register of BARCELONA Volume 44061 Folio 146 Chapter 8 Page B 446064 Registration 1.

GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The following general terms of use regulate the terms and conditions of access and use of this website, property of the Company, which should be read and accepted by the user of the Portal in order to use all the services and information provided. The mere access and/or partial or total use of the portal, and/or the use of services mean the total acceptance of the following general terms of use. They also regulate the access and use of the portal, including the contents and services available by the users in/or through the portal, either by the users or third parties. Nevertheless, the access and use of certain contents and/or services may be subjected to determined specific conditions.

Modifications: The Company reserves the right to modify in every moment the general terms and conditions. In any case, it is recommended to consult regularly the following terms of use of the portal, because they may be subjected to modifications.

User’s obligations: The user always must respect the terms and conditions established in the following general conditions of use. The user explicitly manifest that he will diligently use the portal and that he will assume any possible responsibility arisen from the breach of contract rules. Additionally, the user won’t be allowed to use the portal to transmit, store, disclose or distribute data or contents which carry virus or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or damage the operating of any program, computer equipment or telecommunications.

Industrial and intellectual property: The contents of the company’s website are property of the Company. Hereby any right not explicitly granted is reserved. It is forbidden the reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of the contents, partially or totally, by any means, without the express authorization by hand of the Company, with the exception of the following conditions. The Company allows you to navigate the website with your device and to print copies of extracts from such pages exclusively for personal use and not for distribution, except in case of written authorization by the Company.

All the documents on our website may be subjected to other conditions, indicated in the single documents. The contents on the website are offered as they appear and according to availability. The Company doesn’t guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors on its website.

The Company reserves the right to revise the website or prevent the access to the page at any time. The Company and its symbols are registered brands. Other products or companies’ names mentioned in this website are or may be registered brands of their respective owners.

Responsibility: The user is the only responsible of the infractions may incur or of the damages he could cause by the use of the website. The Company is not responsible of the use of the service by the user and the user will assume the expenses, costs and indemnities requested to the Company in any claims or legal actions. The Company declines any responsibility regarding information to be found out of this website and no directly managed by its website’s manager.

In the event that the Company was warned by its own services of the user’s realization of possible illegal activities or actions against third person rights or possible offences, the Company may immediately rescind its relation with the user and will take the necessary measures to avoid the continuation of these activities. The Company doesn’t guarantee the conditions and the proper provision of the products or services offered to the users by third parties, which could be accessible through links established in the Company website.

The Company is not responsible of the fulfillment by third parties of the current legislation in our legal system and, in particular, the related to the protection of personal data and e-commerce. The Company will not be responsible of possible damages or prejudices produced by interferences, omissions, interruptions, telephone faults, computer viruses or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, based on causes external to the Company of delays and blockades in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, as well as the possible damages incurred by third persons using illegal interferences out of the control of the Company.

Links, Banners: in case that the website includes links or to other sites, they will be only informative, and this will not mean that the Company recommends or guarantee these portals, from which the Company does not exercise control and from which is not responsible.

The Company does not guarantee the conditions and the correct products and services rend to the users from third parties. Those may be accessed though the links in the Company site. The Company does not hold responsible of the compliance of the current legislation in force by third parties, in our legal system and related to the personal and electronic commerce data protection policy. 

Blog: if the website has a blog, its purpose will be the diffusion of the different services offered by the Company. The owner of the website is not responsible of the user’s opinions and keeps the right to delete the comments which may be offensive or degrading and block and prevent the future comments coming from the authors of these comments.

Jurisdiction: in all the questions arising about interpretation, application and fulfilling of these conditions and of the possible claims derived from its use, the parties will be subjected to the judges and Spanish courts, explicitly renouncing the interested parties to any other jurisdiction which that may correspond to them, without prejudice to the competence resulting by operation of law.

Without prejudice to the preceding, controversies as a consequence to trade relations may be caused, can be subjected to UE 251/2013 Regulation. It regulates the solution of conflicts in accordance of its content, out of court. The European Commission facilitates a platform for the resolutions of online litigations, available in the link hereafter:


The following Privacy Policy is applicable to the treatment of the personal data by 181 Distribucions S.L. (henceforth the “Company”) inside its websites, apps or other electronic media or digital platform in which the Company deals with personal data.

1.- Responsible of the data treatment: 181  Distribucions S.L. with tax code CIF: B66154964 Address: Pg. Sant Joan, 181, local. 08037 Barcelona and email: is the responsible of the treatment of the data provided. These data will be treated in accordance with the Ordinance (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016 related to the protection of the natural persons in terms of personal data treatment and free circulation of this data and the Law 3/18 of the 5th of December, of Law of Personal Data Protection and Digital Rights Warranty.

2.- Legitimation of the data treatment: the legitimation of the data treatment is the consent given by the user. The users by checking the corresponding box, accept in an explicit, free and unequivocal way that his data are necessary to assist his petition by the provider. The user guarantees that his personal data are truthful and he is responsible of any modification of them.

All data request by the web service are mandatory, because they are necessary to the performance of the service. In case that not all the data were provided, it is not guaranteed that the information and service provided for the provider are completely adjusted to his necessities.

The legal basis for the data treatment is the European Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council;

.- Art 6.1 a) the interested gave its consent for the treatment of the personal data for one or more specific aim.

.-Art 6.1 b) the treatment is needed for the execution of the contract in which the interested is included and for the application of pre-contractual measures under request; 

.-Art 6.1 c) the treatment is needed for the compliance of a legal obligation applicable to the responsible of the treatment.

3.- Purpose of the treatment: its purpose is to keeprelativo a commercial relationship with the users of the websites, apps or other electronic media or digital platform of the Company. In order to perform the treatment the intended operations are:

.- Process orders, requests and any kind of petition made by the user through any means of contact placed at its disposal.
.- Send advertising commercial communications related to our products and services by any electronic or physical mean, present or future, which allow to perform commercial communications as long as the user has given previous consent.

.- If you send us our curriculum, we will use your data to manage the contact and the selection processes that we do.

4.- Data storage: data will be conserved while there is a mutual interest in keep the intention of the treatment. When they will not be necessary to this purpose will be deleted with security measures adequate to guarantee its total destruction. The personal data given by the user will be kept even when it is ordered its deletion by its part, limiting the treatment, only for the fulfilling of the legal obligations and/or the exercise or defense of claims.

5.- Which are your rights when you provide us your data: 

Your rights are the following:

.- Right to Access, article 15 in the GDPR

.- Right to Rectification, article 16 in the GDPR

.- Suppression right (Right of erasure), article 17 in the GDPR

.- Right to Restriction of Processing, article 18 in the GDPR

.- Right to Data Portability, article 20 in the GDPR

.- Right to Object, article 21 in the GDPR

Those rights are:

.-To know if we process your data or not.

.-Access to your personal data 

.- Correct your data in case there is any error

.-Ask for the deletion of your data or remove the given consent

.-To ask for the limitation of the treatment of your data. In that case, we will only keep that data according to the current legislation in force.

.-Data portability. You will be given in a structured format of common use. We can also send it to a new responsible under your request. Only valid in certain conditions.

The user also has the right to present a claim in front of the control authority, , if he/she considers the treatment doesn’t adjust to the current legislation in force.

To exercise his right the user must send a photocopy of ID or passport to 181 Distribucions S.L. with VAT number B66154964 Address Pg. Sant Joan, 181, local. 08037 Barcelona and email:

6.- To whom will be the data reported: The Company expressly inform and guarantee the users their personal information will not be transferred to third parties in any case, except of existing a legal obligation or in the event to be necessary for the development and execution of the aim of the Treatment.

The data provided to our service providers (agency, etc) would be done by signing the contract of Processor Agreement, demanded by the Data Protection current legislation in force.

In the event any personal data transfer may be done, would require the explicit, free and unequivocal consent by the users.

7.- Data from underage people: if you are an underage user you need the previous consent of your parents or guardians, before including your personal data to our website. The “Company” disclaims of any responsibility by the breach of this requirement.

8.- Security measures: in accordance with the current legislation in force regarding the personal data protection, the provider is following all the laws applied in the personal data treatment and those principles described in the section 5 of the RGPD.

It is guaranteed the appropriate implementation of technical and organizational policies to apply the security measures which are stablished in the RGPD and the LOPDGDD (Law of Personal Data Protection and Digital Rights Warranty) with the aim of protect the rights and freedoms of the users and it has been communicated to them the adequate information to exercise those.

9.- International Data Transferring: The data we compile are stored inside the European Economic Area. In case data may be transferred and treated outside the European Economic Area, an adequate level of personal data protection will be guaranteed.

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