Almazaras de la Subbética ist heutzutage eine Referenz für Olivenöle extra vergine. Ihre gute Arbeit hat dazu geführt, dass ihr Öl Rincón de la Subbética 2020 als bestes Bio-Olivenöl der Welt ausgezeichnet wurde. Deshalb sprechen wir heute über diese Genossenschaft von Olivenöl extra vergine, eine weltweite Referenz.
It is no secret: one of the gastronomic jewels of the Mediterranean Diet is olive oil. In fact, different studies about our diet state that much of its benefits are due in addition to the variety of ingredients it contains, to the daily consumption of olive oil. As you know, not all olive oils are the same, so today we talk about how important is knowing the difference between an olive oil, a virgin olive oil and an extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), whose quality and benefits for your body are...
Surely you've ever asked yourself this question. And is that when we want a snack, when friends come home or when we use it as an appetizer, cheese is one of the most frequent options at our tables. And the wine too, of course. But what are the best options to combine them?
Today, we want to deal with something our clients ask us to choose a good bellota ham: Differences between 50% iberian bellota hams and 100% iberian bellota hams. Since the 2014 new labeling regulations for Iberian hams, the Bellota 100% Iberian ham has captured the Pata Negra's market of the highest quality. What used to be a small production of 100% Iberian hams, it has been increasing until now to meet the growing demand. What has changed so much for the 100% Iberico Bellota is so...
Ham is a product that we can enjoy without anything else. Its flavor is so authentic and pleasant satisfies it. It is perfectly combinable with the drink that you prefer, but there are some combinations that will help us sublimate the nuances of its flavor, such as a good wine. Today, we bring you different suggestions to differentiate between two types of pairing, accompaniment and contrast pairing.
Have you ever gone to buy meat and not knowing exactly what they refer when they talk about a jarrete, pluma, falda or aguja? If the answer is yes, don’t worry, these terms may be unknown to you.
Recently we talked about the date of expiration of Iberian ham and the advantages of its vacuum-packaging. Today, we will talk more in deep about the conservation time that this type of packaging allows us. As we know, the whole piece (not started), will last around a year but everything will depend on the curying point. Once started, this period will be significantly reduced depending on the environment in which the ham is located and the pace of consumption.
When we remove the vegetable paper and the cotton bag from a ham or shoulder and it has mould on the outside, don't panic. It is something normal and you can consume it without problem. We explain how to do it.
Today we are going to talk about Teruel ham, known for being the best ham in the world from white pork. They have the certification of Denomination of Origin, which recognizes the good work and respect for the tradition of the producers of this ham.
We go step by step: If an Iberian ham has fat, it is a good sign. And, precisely, one of the main characteristics of this food is the fat infiltration in lean meat, (small white veins) known as intramuscular fat. This will be very tasty, aromatic and healthy (rich in oleic acids) when it comes from animals grazed in the field, walking several kilometers a day in search of food: pastures and acorns (the main food of the Iberian pig during the montanera).
As you know, for a ham to be labelled with a Denomination of Origin it must meet a series of requirements established by law, such as: the ham must come from a pig with at least 50% of Iberian breed, the feeding must be limited to feeds, feeds and grasses, or acorns; A strict quartering process must be followed in accordance with safety and hygiene standards, and in addition, both rearing and processing must be limited to a specific area or origin.
To slice a ham, you must have a good ham knife on hand that is sharpen and ready to make the cut easy. If you have never had the opportunity to sharp one, today we explain the steps to follow, so you can do it at home. You will need a sharpening steel, which will be the element you will use to carry it out. The sharpening steel is a kind of knife of the same dimensions as the ham holder, which instead of having the sharp blade, has a rounded rod to sharpen.
Club Jamonarium ist der neue Gourmet- und iberische Produktclub von Jamonarium. Wenn Sie dem Club Jamonarium beitreten, erhalten Sie Sonderangebote und exklusive Vorteile nur für Clubmitglieder. Wir senden Ihnen maximal ein oder zwei E-Mails pro Monat und Sie können Ihr Abonnement jederzeit kündigen. Wir sind seit über 40 Jahren Experten für iberischen Bellota-Schinken, Pata Negra und Serrano. Wir lieben gute Gastronomie und möchten unsere Produkte und Erkenntnisse mit unseren Kunden...
Trevélez-Schinken stammt aus Granada und hat die ggA-Kennzeichnung (Protected Geography Designation). Diese Schinken und Schultern stammen von weißen Schweinen oder dem berühmten "Jamón Serrano".
Labeling regulations of the Iberian ham were changed to protect and distinguish the origin and elaboration of the different types of ham and to give the consumer an idea about the qualities of the product, creating a specific identification system we explain below. The seal is the plastic seal the ham carries. On the other hand, there is the label or vitola that is usually placed under the seal.
Like everything, if consumed without moderation, the answer is they may have unfavorable effects on our weight and other repercussions for the body. The reason is its high fat, sodium and calcium content which will make it easier for us to retain fluids and become swollen. In addition, they will increase our blood pressure, damaging our blood vessels and consequently, our brain, heart, liver and eyes.